Updating and reviewing my Pilot Preferences

We highly encourage you to review and update your Pilot Preferences! We use your preferences in order to target certain mission opportunities to you. Our hope is to reduce the number of poor-fit mission opportunities that are advertised to you.

Passenger Count

This attribute notes your preference for the number of passengers you prefer to carry in your aircraft. Do not include yourself in the count. If the passenger count of a prospective mission opportunity exceeds your maximum passenger count, it will not be presented to you for consideration.

Total Weight

This attribute notes your preference for the total usable payload you prefer to utilize in your aircraft. Do not include yourself in the count. If the total weight of a prospective mission opportunity exceeds your maximum total weight, it will not be presented to you for consideration.

Total Distance

This attribute notes the total trip distance from the point where you depart from your home base airport, complete the mission, and return to your home base airport. If the completion of a prospective mission opportunity exceeds your maximum total distance, it will not be presented to you for consideration.

You can review and update your Pilot Preferences on the website.


You can review and update your Pilot Preferences on the Mobile App.


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