The home screen appears first when you log in to the app.
The upcoming missions list at the top of the home screen is customized for you. The mission legs
are selected based on efficiency, which is the calculation we use to determine appropriateness for you. Your most efficient mission legs will either originate or terminate at your home base airport.
If you are accustomed to searching available missions on the VPOIDS web app, you may be used to searching by missions in your wing. This is a more effective way to search for flights in your area, and therefore replaces that functionality.
Hopefully you will see a great flight opportunity on this list. If so, click on the mission ID to view the details about the leg, and then request the flight if you can fly it.
If you're not looking for flights near your home base, or are looking for a broader selection of volunteer opportunities, use the Available Missions list.
Please note that the Upcoming List will always show 20 upcoming flights. If none of the flights seem reasonable for you, it means that we don't currently have any great flights for you.