How can I can be of help as a Mission Assistant?

Mission Assistants can help the Pilot In Command (PIC) in a variety of different ways. The role of the MA varies depending on what the PIC needs, as well as your specific skill set. There are no “set” duties that a Mission Assistant maintains because individuals with very different backgrounds can participate in this role.

One way of being helpful to almost any PIC is checking on the passenger during the flight to make sure he or she is feeling OK or needs anything. Being aware of the passenger’s condition can mean a great difference in the success of a flight. If the passenger is uncomfortable for whatever reason, it is the pilot’s responsibility to initiate an action.

As a Mission Assistant, you learn what flying as a Command Pilot for AFW entails. It is an especially good opportunity for pilots who are looking to network with other pilots in the area, student pilots who would like more exposure in aviation, new pilots who are looking to connect with more experienced pilots, or anyone interested in learning more about public benefit flying or becoming an AFW Command Pilot.

Click here to learn how you can go along on missions as a Mission Assistant.

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