Are Angel Flights tax deductible?

Many volunteer pilots do deduct flying costs. We encourage you to reach out to your tax advisor to determine your deductible expenses. You may need to provide a list of missions to your tax advisor.

To get a record of your missions, please sign into VPOIDS. On the bottom of the left hand side of the page, click on the Year-End Report. This will provide you with documentation you can use to give to your tax preparer.



The documentation generated will look similar to the example below. Year_end_report_picture.png

  • Mission Date - This is the date of the mission.
  • # Legs - This field will display the number of legs you completed. If the number is higher than one, then you have flown multiple legs of one relay flight or have completed multiple missions in the same day.
  • Aircraft - This field will list your aircraft type and tail #.
  • Hours - This field will be the Hobbs time calculated from the time you are wheels-up from your home base to the time you land at your home base after completing a mission.
  • Ground Miles - This field will be the total mileage calculated from the time you depart from your home address to the time you return to your home address after completing a ground mission.
  • Ground Expense - This field will list any expenses involved in driving a passenger.
  • Ticket Purchase - This field will list any expenses involved in donating a commercial ticket to a passenger in lieu of flying them in a general aircraft.
  • Expenses - This field will list any other expenses involved in completing the mission.

Need to indicate which fields are required - Or link them to a how to fill out your mission report Support Article.

The information provided in this report is taken from the mission report that you file upon completion of a mission. We encourage you to include relevant information at this step so that you have a thorough report for your records.

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