Selecting alternate airports in your pilot request

We want to help facilitate airport changes for you and the coordination team. To that effect, we implemented a feature in your pilot request for mission legs that allows you to choose between a list of alternate airports.


Request a mission leg.

Scroll down to the "Form" section of your pilot request. You can review the list of alternate airports for the origin and destination airports by selecting the drop-down arrow.

Depending on the airport that you select, the origin or destination airport FBO will also update to reflect your selection.

In this example, we decided to change the origin airport from BFI to RNT. The origin airport FBO list was updated, as well.

If the list doesn't contain the alternate airport that you would like, you can always request that airport in the "Comments" section of the pilot request.

Complete your request by selecting "Request Mission".


  • Airports with a runway length of under 3500 feet are generally excluded as alternate airport options.
  • Sometimes, there may not be any alternate airport options. This can happen for rural or remote origin and destination airports.
  • For multi-leg or relay flights, alternate airports are only an option for the ultimate origin and ultimate destination of the routing. There are no alternate airport options for airports that are located in the middle of a relay flight. Changes to the hand-off airports or FBOs must be communicated directly between volunteers.
  • Alternate airports are only an option for pilot-flown mission legs.
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