Do you arrange relocation flights for victims of domestic violence?

Yes, we arrange flights for victims of domestic violence to relocate to a safer location. Please keep in mind we mostly only fly within the 13 Western states, but will approve requests outside our territory on a case-by-case basis. For safety reasons, you must currently be in a domestic violence shelter in order for us to fly you in a private aircraft, and we need paperwork filled out by an advocate or social worker at the shelter.

You do not have to be in a domestic violence shelter if we will be flying you commercially (this applies mainly to passengers flying to or from Alaska). We do need to confirm the request from a provider of domestic violence services (i.e. shelter, women’s clinic, police department, etc.). 

A medical release signed by a physician is required for anyone with a known medical condition, has suffered recent injuries (particularly to the head or ear), or is more than 5 months pregnant or has a high-risk pregnancy.

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