Transplant flights are accepted on a limited basis due to the time constraints and distances involved. We look at a few different factors in determining whether we can make the flight happen for you if and when you get the call.
We can try to find you a pilot if the need is during regular business hours or during the day. We cannot help if you get the call at night, as our pilots do not fly when it is dark.
We generally need you to have a minimum of a 6-hour window to get to the hospital. This gives us time to work on finding a pilot, for the pilot to get to his plane, fly to pick you up (if applicable), and fly you to the hospital.
We also can only fly a transplant flight if it is around 300 miles or less. Coordinating a multiple leg journey is challenging and would take too much time for you to arrive on time. Additionally, a flight that originates in an area where we have pilots makes the flight more likely to happen.
Please inquire with staff to find out if we may be able to help.