COVID-19 Guidelines

Updated April 2022 

Angel Flight West follows the latest CDC recommendations to protect our volunteers and passengers. We encourage all parties to discuss the policy guidelines with each other in preparation for missions. 

  • Masks are recommended but not required to be worn by volunteers and passengers participating in a trip.  
  • Although many of our volunteers and passengers are vaccinated against COVID-19 virus, we do not require COVID-19 vaccinations nor do we collect information on vaccination statuses. Volunteers and passengers may disclose vaccination status to each other, if willing. 
  • Those who have been exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19 or other contagious illnesses will not be able to fly. 
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    Keith Mueller

    I see no reason not to ask a passenger if they’re willing to disclose their vaccination status voluntarily. Obviously they could lie, but the majority would probably tell the truth and would like to know if their pilots are vaccinated. Especially since many of the passengers are probably high risk. Having that info would certainly make some pilots more likely to volunteer for a flight. Vaccine mandates are becoming more widespread. I think AFW should consider that position, for the safety of all. This is not over yet. You would think after 4 cycles we would learn, but we’re following the same path over and over again, relaxing masking and other protocols too early that help get the pandemic under control. Crazy.

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