How do I change my username?

To change your VPOIDS username using the web application, first log in to VPOIDS at

At the top, right corner of the screen, click on the link to Account Settings.

save image

On the Account Settings screen, click the Edit link for "Your Personal Information".

save image

In this screen, you can change your username, as well as any other personal information.

To change your VPOIDS username using the mobile app, launch the app and log in.

Tap on the Profile icon at the bottom of the screen.


Tap to enter Edit mode in your profile.


Scroll down to the Username field and enter your new username.


Tap the check mark icon to save your changes.

Log in to the app using your new username.

Username requirements

Usernames are case-sensitive, and must be 8 characters long. The username may not contain spaces, but may contain any of these special characters: _#@*!$-.. We recommend using at least one number and one special character, as well as both upper and lowercase letters for better security.

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