Passenger Ground Transportation: Lyft Link

If a passenger is in need of assistance with ground transportation, we will first look for an Earth Angel that is available to assist.

If we are unable to secure a volunteer driver and the passenger does not have the resources or ability to establish ground transportation on their own, we will assist with a Lyft ride. The most common way that we do this is by sending the passenger a 'Lyft Link.' The coordination team will send this link to the passenger via text message. When the passenger has landed and is ready to request the ride, they simply click on the link in the text and request the ride. 

Attached is a sample of what this text message will look like

Sometimes passengers will need a reminder that this link came in as a text message or may need slight assistance in navigating the ride request process. As seen in the text sample, the passenger is also able to call a toll free number to request the ride if they are having any technical difficulties with the link. 

As always, you can encourage the passengers to give the AFW office a call if they run into trouble requesting the ride and we are happy to help!



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